Monday, January 5, 2009

Gossip Girl back on TONIGHT!!!!!

TV Diva here..ready to dish on my favorite show!! Gossip Girl premieres tonight with an all new season and frankly I cannot wait to see Chuck's madness evolve. I watch this faithfully every Monday night and every Monday night is the same routine:
Play with my son jaise
Funny thing about it is my boyfriend is into it too ( I think a little more into it than me since he dvr's the whole season lol) but that's good because I have company while watching. Even though I know my life will never revolve around the same people in the show ( sometimes I fantasize that it will), I can relate to some of the story plots and really get into it. I love all the characters especially Blair; yeah she can be a bit annoying AND ALL ABOUT HERSELF, BUT WHAT GIRL ISN'T SOMETIMES. You know when you feel that you are IT at the time we all get a little Blair syndrome in our bones and feel that nothing can top us right now.
I actually didn't know that this was a book turned into a show. Honestly, I couldn't read the book, the show is much better. I think its because I didn't know about it in the first place but who cares, I'm sucked in now..too late lol.
I'm watching ET right now and every time I see the host Mary Hart, she seems as if she has the fakest smile on in the world. I dont know, something really bothers me about her stage presence, but then again who am I to judge, she has a job that I want! lol.
Anyway, back to my show.
There is so much going on with this show that at times I cant keep up and its ridiculous because I watch it all the time. Ahhh ..the life of the socialites in new york...I WANT IT!
It's about to come on in a couple of minutes so gotta go..I'll be back to dish on what happened tonight, and believe me, I will have some opinions!


R.I.P Jett Tavolta

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